Discover the main trends uncovered in B2B Marketing’s latest Account Based Marketing (ABM) Census report.
Sales and marketing are drifting farther apart.
Many of the challenges to getting started with ABM related to poor alignment between the two functions.
What ABMers set out to achieve doesn’t always match up with what they actually deliver. Improved client retention and accelerated sales cycles are the most common unintended outcomes of ABM activity.
Which of the following is the main aim of your ABM programme?
All figures are %
Which of the following benefits have you seen from your ABM programme?
All figures are %
One-to-few is the flavour of the year, meanwhile some marketers are withdrawing investment in one-to-many, but not at an alarming rate. Net investment has increased across all three forms.
What’s happening to your one-to-one ABM investment?
All figures are %
What’s happening to your one-to-few ABM investment?
All figures are %
What’s happening to your one-to-many ABM investment?
All figures are %
23% are taking their first tentative steps using centralised data to deliver targeted, personalised marketing on a small scale. Just 5% are upscaling that process and only 3% are perfecting it
Which of the following best describes your efforts to secure the right data and insight when it comes to ABM?
All figures are %
Considering: Existing customer data has been audited, with additional requirements mapped
Preparing: Research and third-party data has been sourced, cleaned and input
Delivering: Centralised data is being used to deliver targeted, personalised marketing on a small scale
Upscaling: Centralised data is being used to deliver targeted marketing on a large scale and across all touch points
Perfecting: Data insights are being used to make strategic company decisions
No ABM: We are not doing ABM
Sales revenue is king. Not only is it among the most commonly tracked metrics, it’s the one marketers – and of course sales – care most about.
All figures are %